First Kiss and a Giveaway!

Today I’m spotlighting First Kiss by Cindy M. Hogan. I did a review back in July. I really enjoyed it!

Back Cover Blurb

VL. Virgin Lips. You may not have heard of it, but where I live, it’s a thing with a card, even if it is a figurative card. I was Brooklyn Hill, certified virgin lips, and I planned on clinging to that figurative card with all I had—while dating as many of the hottest guys at school as I could.
Maybe that’s a bit strange. I mean, what teenage girl isn’t interested in kissing? Locking lips definitely interested me, but the drama that came with it didn’t. No kissing, no drama. Simple.
But on my sixteenth birthday, on my first real date even, the drama found me. His name was Luke Graham—cute, funny, and bad news for the whole female race.
First Kiss is the first episode in the Confessions of a Sixteen-Year-Old Virgin Lips series. It’s young adult contemporary fiction. The second episode, Stolen Kiss, is now available too!
Excerpt from First Kiss
We all laughed and ran outside and stormed the hot tub.

After the obligatory splashing and dunking settled down, Parker jutted his chin at me and teased. “You’re sixteen now, Brooklyn, the question is, are you still in the VL club?”

A strange silence fell over the group. I guess they really wanted to hear my response. I paused just long enough to give the answer away. I looked up, noticing a few stars speckled the skyline.

“Oooh,” Mike said. “’nough said. Well, my dear, your pain will now be over.” He moved toward me, lips puckered, eye brows waggling. I turned my head before he could make contact. My whole body was on fire.

Ali and Katherine, my two red-headed friends, pushed him back. “Down boy. Unlike you, she wants her first kiss to be special, meaningful, and with someone she wants to kiss. So, back off.” Ali could be forceful when she wanted to be. I loved and hated that about her.

He whimpered like a wounded dog as he sat back in his spot.

“Buurrrn!” Mike yelled.
“Burn, baby, burn,” Parker sang.

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Cindy has generously donated one free copy of her novel Protected (book 2 in the Watched Series) for me to give away to one of my lucky readers! Better yet, you can all get Watched (book 1) for free! Just fill out the rafflecopter below. Easy peasy. If the winner is from the U.S., they can choose either a paperback or ecopy of Protected. If the winner is international, they will receive an ecopy. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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