Weekly Progress Report

It was a slow week. I am feeling a bit stuck right now, which makes me avoid writing (unfortunately). However, I am pushing through. I spent a lot of time thinking, re-reading, and trying to figure out where to go from here, so my totals look atrocious…

words written: 3,239 on The Hostage Heart 
time spent writing: 60 minutes (1 hour)
days spent writing: 2
WPM: 54

pages edited: 27
time spent editing: 180 minutes (3 hours)
days spent editing: 4
EPH (edits per hour): 9 pages

So I didn’t do a ton of writing, but I did make progress. I have to keep reminding myself writing success and productivity is not measured solely in word counts. That’s a hard switch for me to make, but I’m trying.

I’m going to participate in Tristi’s Challenges this month. I’m so excited! I have two goals: 1) to finish the first draft of The Hostage Heart (I estimate that is probably about 30k of writing but I’m not sure) and 2) to spend 5 hours a week on writing. I add this last goal because I think with editing I might not always write 10k a week, and I still want to give myself a measurable goal I can meet. I know that doesn’t sound like much, but nap time is slowly decreasing and I am struggling more and more to find time to write. My boy are so active now that it is impossible to do anything when they are awake because they require eyes on them constantly! It’s fun though, and I’m loving it. I’m excited for July! It’s my anniversary month, my favorite holiday (the 4th of July) is this month, I get to go to a family reunion this month, and overall July is just awesome.
