Who won the gift card?

And the winner is…

Thank you so much to everyone who answered my 3-word survey last week! Over 200 of you responded, and it really helped me know what you enjoy about my books (so I can keep delivering that!). The winner of the $5 Amazon gift card is Cary! (It’s already been sent and claimed. ❤)

New website design!

My website has a new look!

I’ve been wanting to redesign it for a while for numerous reasons, the biggest of which is I have a lot of stories that I want to write, and not all of them fit a pink and fluffy web design! 😂

While I have loved writing the No Match for Love series, as I’ve worked on the last book it’s become apparent that I want to write something different next time. More serious.

That’s exactly what my new small town series is, and I’ve really enjoyed working on it!

So CLICK HERE and check out the new website! What do you think?

New audiobook!

Mistakenly Matched is FINALLY available in Audible. (And I do mean finally. The audio has been done for well over a month, but we ran into some hiccups getting it published.) But the long wait is over at last. Tiffany did a fantastic job, as always. You’re going to love this audiobook! You can grab the audio on AUDIBLE or on AMAZON. Happy listening! Try out Audible and get it for FREE! signature 2