Back to School, Birthdays and a Book Recommendation!

How is August almost over? This month has been CRAZY! Last week, we not only had the first day of school, but the twins’ birthday!

First Day of 3rd Grade Birthday Breakfast 2019

I love the epic “stop making me stare at the sun, Mom!” faces in the back to school picture. πŸ˜‚ These two keep me laughing every day.

We also are making good progress on the basement and hoping to be finished by the end of the month still! And somehow, in the midst of all of that, I’ve finished up Mistakenly Matched and sent it to the proofreader! So keep an eye out for a new book announcement soon!

Book Corner

This week I want to tell you about one of my FAVORITE books! I have an extremely dog-eared copy of The Heavenly Surrender with the pages falling out. πŸ˜‚ This is one of those books I read probably a dozen times in high school.

I re-read this one just a couple of months ago and was happy to realize I still love it! I think you’ll love it, too. If you end up reading it, let me know what you think!


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