Birthday Sale!

2016 birthday sale Lindzee


Growing up, birthdays were kind of a big deal in my family. We didn’t so much celebrate for a day as for an entire weekend…or sometimes even a week.

I always loved my birthday, because it was far enough from Christmas to still feel like a separate holiday, but close enough that I could save all my Christmas money, combine it with my birthday money, and buy whatever I wanted that I hadn’t already received. Usually what I wanted was more books.

So here’s my birthday gift to you…a sale! All my books are only $0.99 each on Amazon from January 8th – January 9th. (And if you buy the ebook of First Love Second Choice, you can add on the audio for only $1.99!)

I hope the new year is treating all of you well, and that you can find time this January to mix up a cup of hot cocoa, pull up a chair in front of a fireplace, and enjoy a good book.