I’ve been sitting on some exciting news that I’m finally ready to share! Are you ready?
You may have noticed that Cupcakes and Cowboys, Twisters and Textbooks, and First Love Second Choice are no longer available in print or ebook on Amazon (and the audio will soon be unavailable, too). There’s a very exciting reason for that…

That’s right…I will very soon be re-releasing those three titles as part of the No Match for Love series! I’m currently in the process of revising, editing, and adding to these three books, and I am LOVING the changes! Other characters from the No Match for Love series will make cameo appearances and it’s going to be awesome. These stories aren’t simply being plopped into the series, but integrated into it.
Right now, I’m nearly done revising Cupcakes and Cowboys. In the process, I’ve nearly DOUBLED the length. So when I say these books will be “updated and expanded” I really do mean that. 😀 It’s going to be amazing!
This also means that between November and February, FIVE new books will be released in the No Match for Love series. Woot woot! Then the plan is to take a break from the series for an indefinite amount of time and work on something new.
I seriously can’t tell you how pumped I am for all these exciting changes! Who’s excited?
Happy reading!