Cover Reveal: THE PRINCESS AND THE PROM QUEEN by Jaclyn Weist

I am SO excited to participate in the cover reveal for my friend Jaclyn’s new book, The Princess and the Prom Queen. I’ve heard a lot about this book, and I can’t wait to read it! The ebook releases April 29th and the print edition will be out shortly after.

And now, for the cover reveal…

TA-DA! Isn’t it pretty? I think it’s great how you already know what the story is about, just by seeing the cover and nothing else.

Trifecta Books would like to invite anyone and everyone to attend the online launch party for this book at 7 pm MST on April 29th. The party will be hosted on facebook, at this link:

Back Cover Blurb
genre: YA urban fantasy
Jenny’s had it with her life. Six siblings in an overstuffed house are enough to drive anyone crazy, and sometimes she dreams of escaping to some fantasy world. When she suddenly wakes up to find herself being kissed by a strange—but very handsome—prince, Jenny knows her life just got a lot more exciting. Now stuck in a medieval land of castles and royalty, when Jenny learns that the queen has agreed to marry her off to the prince, it’s time to take matters into her own hands. She goes on a quest to find out who dragged her to this time while trying to keep from falling in love with either of the boys vying for her attention.
Princess Genevieve has only known life under her mother’s rule. She wants to do more than go to battle or deal with suitors. She wakes to find herself in a new world filled with gadgets, electricity, and moving carriages. She finally has the freedom to be who she wants to be with a family who cares deeply for her and a boy worth any sacrifice. It’s more than everything she always wanted. 

As Jenny and Genevieve settle into their new lives, they face an unknown evil which threatens everything they care about and makes them face tough questions—like who they are and what they really want their lives to become. 
