I am so pleased to host author Lauren Ritz today, whose debut novel Without a Voice has just been released! Without a Voice is a contemporary suspense novella. She is offering this book FREE today through smashwords! Look for the code at the bottom.
Lauren is not only a fantastic writer, but I consider her a personal friend as well. I respect and admire her dearly. I had the opportunity to beta-read Without a Voice a while back and thoroughly enjoyed Mae’s story. I am so happy that now all of you can enjoy this book. It really is a great novella with a powerful message, and I can’t wait for you all to read it.
And now, without further ado, here’s Lauren!
Going Indie
by Lauren Ritz

Don’t put yourself on the grid. No credit cards, new name, new city. Few friends, no family. Connections of any kind are a risk.Five years ago Mae left Justin in Orlando. Never again will she cower, wondering who he’ll hurt next. She’s done letting him punish her.
Now she has real friends, people she cares about, a life worth living. After years of relative peace she’s gotten complacent, relaxed her guard. Somehow, he’s found her.
There’s nowhere you can go.
Mae can no longer cling to her safe obscurity if she’s going to survive.
Once she could have run and been certain Justin would leave those she loved alone. But he’s changed. Justin is the whisper in the dark, a shadow on the street, the phantom no one sees.
You are mine. I will never stop.
Book Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tkm2BUyPYUA
All other formats: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/299474
FREE code for smashwords, good until the end of the day! XF24Z
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Thanks for letting me chatter at you, Lindzee. 🙂
My pleasure!