Is January over yet?

I think that January is the longest month of the year. Do you ever feel that way? Where I live in Utah, it’s gray, it’s cold, and overcast. The constant inversion makes your lungs feels like they’re dying and your head want to explode. Why do I live here again? 😜 But it’s almost over!! The days are staying lighter a little longer, and I’m dreaming of warm sunshine and beaches. Maybe that’s why I’m having so much fun writing this latest book, set on an Oregon beach. When I’m writing, it’s sunny and warm and bright for a little while.


So today, I’m going to pretend I’m Olaf, enjoying warm, beachy weather. 😏 And I’m going to try really, really hard to not hop back on travel websites and look at Disneyland vacations. One of my besties and I did fight off the winter blues with a girl’s night. It was SO needed and so much fun! We went and saw Little Women. Have you seen it yet? I was really impressed with how they managed to make such a frequently told story still feel fresh and new.


If you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend it! The casting was perfect and the actresses did superb. Bring some tissues, because you’ll need them. I’ve also got a really good book recommendation for you this week! I’ve been trying to read more widely this year, and so I picked up this psychological thrilled by H.B. Moore. Her books are usually a home run for me and this one was no different. Grab it on Amazon I listened to the audio, and the narrators did a fantastic job. I was immediately hooked into the story, and found myself voluntarily folding laundry just so I could listen for a while longer. Overall, I really enjoyed this one, and I think you will too!

How are you fighting the winter blues? Let me know!

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