Maybe I’m dark and twisty

Cover Reveal

I finished writing the rough draft of my new small town romance that I’m writing just for YOU! Did I already say that? My brain is so tired these days I can barely remember my own name. 😂 But it’s true. The story is far from finished–most of my “writing” happens in edits–but I’m really excited about where it’s going and we’re getting closed! I’ve also picked a title for the new book and series, and I have a cover! SCISC 0 Dare to Fall_ebook cover

What do you think? I kind of love it. 😍 But fair warning–everything is still subject to change, so the title and/or cover might be a little different when all is said and done.

Current Reads

Anyone else still watching Grey’s Anatomy? Honestly, I kind of wish they’d just end the series–it was definitely best in the beginning–but I’ve invested a lot of time and energy into it, so I’m committed to seeing it through to the final finale.


Sometimes I think I’m a little more dark and twisty than I realize. 😂 Not to the Soap Opera Tragedies level of Meredith Grey, but I really love a good thriller or suspense novel, or something with a really strong psychological component. And I love deep, intense drama. Lately, it seems like that’s the majority of what I’ve been reading. I tend to read a lot of books simultaneously (at least 2 or 3, but right now I’m reading 5…) and currently I’m in the middle of both of these books and really, really loving them. I think you might like them, too!

Her brother is in prison for murdering his brother. So what are they supposed to do when they fall in love? This is my second Abigail Johnson book and I’m definitely going to read more. I’ve really been enjoying them!

Her brother is in prison for murdering his brother. So what are they supposed to do when they fall in love? This is my second Abigail Johnson book and I’m definitely going to read more. I’ve really been enjoying them!


It’s no secret that I love Emily Bleeker, and this book has me willingly folding laundry so I can keep listening. 😂 Her husband’s dead. She’s got crippling postpartum depression, and now her daughter’s missing.


What have you read lately that you love? The darker and twistier, the better! (Although I still like my books to keep to a PG-13 rating.)
