New Project…I could really use some help!

The Hostage Heart continues to come along fantastically. I hit 100 pages a few days ago and I’m almost at 30,000 words so I am feeling great about that project! Another month and I’ll be done with the first draft for sure.

Which has made me start thinking about my next project. I like to let a first draft sit for a time before starting in on the editing, and I want to start my next WIP while The Hostage Heart is in its waiting period.

So I have an idea and I’ve decided to run with it. I think most people are aware that I am infertile. “But Lindzee,” you say, “you have twins!” I know. I love them, but their miraculous conception and birth doesn’t mean I’m not still infertile.

And you know what? Infertility sucks. A lot. And one of the hardest things about it is feeling so alone.

So I’ve decided to write a women’s fiction novel about infertility. The thing is, I need some help with the research end of things. I want this book to be a good representation of infertility, and therefore I want to have opinions and perceptions other than my own in this work. So here’s my call to any and all infertiles! If you ever have or currently are struggling with infertility and wouldn’t mind sharing your story with me, I would LOVE to talk to you. I have a questionnaire I want my fellow infertiles to fill out to aid me in this story. So if you are willing to share,  please either leave me your email address so I can get in contact with you, or email me at lindzeeDOTarmstrong AT yahoo DOT com. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

5 thoughts on “New Project…I could really use some help!”

  1. You know i'm good for it even though you know my story since I'm pathetic and complain and cry to you every day about it. I'm pretty sure you have my email. Or you could interview me through the vents… Jk good luck

  2. You know i'm good for it even though you know my story since I'm pathetic and complain and cry to you every day about it. I'm pretty sure you have my email. Or you could interview me through the vents… Jk good luck

  3. Hey Lindzee, I have five kids, the first two are adopted and the last three are home made. We struggled with unexplained infertility for a long time before we adopted. After baby number two, it miraculously went away. But I can tell you all about how it affected me in the previous years.<br /><br />

  4. Awesome, thanks you two! I&#39;ll be sending out an email by the end of the day so make sure it doesn&#39;t get caught in your spam folders and to look for it. 🙂

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